Thursday, January 27, 2011

Interesting topic about Generation Me

I have found a lot of interesting parts about this book. She describes how much more different the baby boomer's generation which consist of all the people that was born between the 1940's through the 1960's. Are more different than the Generation Me which are 1970's and up. Now and days the boomer's think that we are all selfish, Gen X and Gen Y especially. Back then they depended on others to help them out with life as far as husbands were suppose to go out and work and women stayed home and took care of the children. the boomer's think that's how things are suppose to be in life. They are ashamed to see women in offices and women going out and being independent and the men are not being the head of the household. I do not agree with the because i am proud to see our women being very successful. It's a great thing to see that there are not men amongst each other in the biggest offices making decisions. Because most of the time men are going to always agree with each other in the big decision. if we bring the women in on some of these big decisions it would be great. Women bring emotion to the stage and i don't mean that in a bad way that will just make people stop and think about stuff before they do it. Men just go with egos a lot and end up making very big mistakes because they don't want to feel they are soft and unable to make a decision by their self. but that's not what its about and we sometimes lose the focus of whats truly there and that's working together. That's my opinion because i really believe that women are gods greatest creation because they bring emotion. Yes men went out and worked but you ask yourself why did he. Because he wanted to provide for the ones that he love.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Journal Entry 1-20-2011

Who are you?Hello my name is Arion Duncan, i am 19 years old and this is my second semester in my freshman year of college at Missouri Western State University. Where do you come from? I am from Kansas City, Missouri. I was born and raised there, wanting to have all of my education here where i was born and raised. That's why i am here because of choice i have had to siblings that have came here before me, so i already knew about this campus and just wanted to come because i was so familiar with it. What have been your experiences with reading and writing? I have done a lot of reading and writing while i was in high school, I can say that writing was not one of my favorite things but they still got done. Reading on the other hand was by choice. But there are certain choices of reading that i wanted to do. Mostly if it has something to do with what was similar to my childhood experiences that deals with the projects and not having much to eat or to wear, that really entertains me. If i can relate to it thats what gets me out of my seat to read. Now last semester I took English 100, and my writing experiences have grown a lot then because i have learned how to write certain ways to make a paper come out a lot better. when  i strengthen my reading skills more in high school i strengthen my writing a lot last semester because i was pushed and i got it done hoping to do the same this semester. What do your classmates and I need to know about you as a reader and writer? That i will do whatever it takes to learn more and more. There are some areas that i am still struggling in but i will fix them to make me a better writer. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a reader and writer? My strengths are that i am great at coming up with ideas very quickly to put in my paper thats different from most people. I still have the problem of sentence structure so for right now that would be my weakness. How do these practices intimidate or excite you? They don't excite nor intimidate me because i am not satisfied with where i am as a writer i want to become better writer