Friday, March 25, 2011

Reaction to Micheal Eric Dyson

Dyson does believe in African Americans and what we all have been through to get where we at now, he has that open mind about whats real and will speak on it. The current issue that is being talked about is what black promote now. Back in the day we had Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X  was the man that was most not liked by whites because he did not care and just wanted to be a dog eat dog world. He wanted to fight back because he did not want black to just stand there and get beat. We are going to die we should go out fighting. Martin was the peace maker and just wanted to compromise with the whites to work together instead of against each other. More whites appreciated him and feared Malcolm but we at the end we did have black leaders promoting good things. Dyson also went on later to the black panthers who were commonly referred back to the Malcolm X days that they will fight, march and protest to get whatever they believed they deserved so they can be equal. Now he has the issue with blacks promoting videos, he 's happy that all of the hard work that has happened in the past has paid off but degrading black women in these videos, and songs he disagrees with. We are feeding into the world now and stopped fighting to accomplish goals there is still a lot to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arion,

    I'm happy that you have provided a summary, but I'm interested to hear your analysis of Dyson's ideas. You bring up Black leaders such as MLK and Malcolm X. I like what you have to say about them and their approaches for peace, but where have we come. Where are we at now? Has the African American community made any more advancement since these men's deaths?

    What about in hip-hop? What have gangsta rappers who are, more or less, silenced to some degree. Look at the context of mainstream hip-hop vs. gangsta rap. What differences do you see?

    Ms. C
