Thursday, April 7, 2011


It has been very clear that it's been a big discussion about the definition of rape. some people say that women are starting to cry out rape if they accidentally get pregnant. and they will get to abort the baby. abortion plays a big factor in this also because there are laws starting to forbid abortion and that really puts alot of women in danger if they get stuck with a baby. so now the big thing is what if the woman is raped should she have 2 keep the baby because women believe that's not fair and dont want to be stuck with the consequences. the definitons of rape are determined to because now they are looking more into depth of that night if the woman was wearing little to nothing clothes. it would be defined as she was looking for those type of activities and wanting to engage into it. i believe that women should always have their own right to do what they want to do. it should be both ways that if they decide to then abortion should be there for them.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Reaction to Micheal Eric Dyson

Dyson does believe in African Americans and what we all have been through to get where we at now, he has that open mind about whats real and will speak on it. The current issue that is being talked about is what black promote now. Back in the day we had Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X  was the man that was most not liked by whites because he did not care and just wanted to be a dog eat dog world. He wanted to fight back because he did not want black to just stand there and get beat. We are going to die we should go out fighting. Martin was the peace maker and just wanted to compromise with the whites to work together instead of against each other. More whites appreciated him and feared Malcolm but we at the end we did have black leaders promoting good things. Dyson also went on later to the black panthers who were commonly referred back to the Malcolm X days that they will fight, march and protest to get whatever they believed they deserved so they can be equal. Now he has the issue with blacks promoting videos, he 's happy that all of the hard work that has happened in the past has paid off but degrading black women in these videos, and songs he disagrees with. We are feeding into the world now and stopped fighting to accomplish goals there is still a lot to be done.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Selecting a Hip Hop Artist - Ethos

Eminem is one of my favorite artist because he speaks from the heart about everything. He is a white male that came from Detroit and speaks about his life as a homeless teen and when he did have a home they lived in a trailer park on 8 mile road. He has been a victim to all of these things so he entertain us by him overcoming racism being white, and trying to do hip hop. He has a way with all of his words like he went to college and studied everything that does with rhythm. I know he wants to make everything very real so everyone can feel where he has came from in life. That anyone can make it in this world all you have to do is keep working at it. You really learn a lot from a person when they to talking about there self instead judging a book by it's cover. He  sounds so believable because he brings a lot of emotion to his songs, like he has kept so much inside and now he is just letting it all out at once. Even though he uses a lot of profanity he draws a lot of people in so much.  

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Interesting topic about Generation Me

I have found a lot of interesting parts about this book. She describes how much more different the baby boomer's generation which consist of all the people that was born between the 1940's through the 1960's. Are more different than the Generation Me which are 1970's and up. Now and days the boomer's think that we are all selfish, Gen X and Gen Y especially. Back then they depended on others to help them out with life as far as husbands were suppose to go out and work and women stayed home and took care of the children. the boomer's think that's how things are suppose to be in life. They are ashamed to see women in offices and women going out and being independent and the men are not being the head of the household. I do not agree with the because i am proud to see our women being very successful. It's a great thing to see that there are not men amongst each other in the biggest offices making decisions. Because most of the time men are going to always agree with each other in the big decision. if we bring the women in on some of these big decisions it would be great. Women bring emotion to the stage and i don't mean that in a bad way that will just make people stop and think about stuff before they do it. Men just go with egos a lot and end up making very big mistakes because they don't want to feel they are soft and unable to make a decision by their self. but that's not what its about and we sometimes lose the focus of whats truly there and that's working together. That's my opinion because i really believe that women are gods greatest creation because they bring emotion. Yes men went out and worked but you ask yourself why did he. Because he wanted to provide for the ones that he love.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Journal Entry 1-20-2011

Who are you?Hello my name is Arion Duncan, i am 19 years old and this is my second semester in my freshman year of college at Missouri Western State University. Where do you come from? I am from Kansas City, Missouri. I was born and raised there, wanting to have all of my education here where i was born and raised. That's why i am here because of choice i have had to siblings that have came here before me, so i already knew about this campus and just wanted to come because i was so familiar with it. What have been your experiences with reading and writing? I have done a lot of reading and writing while i was in high school, I can say that writing was not one of my favorite things but they still got done. Reading on the other hand was by choice. But there are certain choices of reading that i wanted to do. Mostly if it has something to do with what was similar to my childhood experiences that deals with the projects and not having much to eat or to wear, that really entertains me. If i can relate to it thats what gets me out of my seat to read. Now last semester I took English 100, and my writing experiences have grown a lot then because i have learned how to write certain ways to make a paper come out a lot better. when  i strengthen my reading skills more in high school i strengthen my writing a lot last semester because i was pushed and i got it done hoping to do the same this semester. What do your classmates and I need to know about you as a reader and writer? That i will do whatever it takes to learn more and more. There are some areas that i am still struggling in but i will fix them to make me a better writer. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a reader and writer? My strengths are that i am great at coming up with ideas very quickly to put in my paper thats different from most people. I still have the problem of sentence structure so for right now that would be my weakness. How do these practices intimidate or excite you? They don't excite nor intimidate me because i am not satisfied with where i am as a writer i want to become better writer

Monday, December 13, 2010

Review of English 100

Ø  If your reading and writing practices have changed since this class, how have they been modified because of English 100? The way I write sentences has changed alot for me since I have took this class, because the way i was taught the right way on how not to ramble on about things. I should just find the point of the topic and write about it.
Ø  How have you become a better reader and/or writer? I have became a better reader because I have gottn alot of assignments for me to read and write about.My writing has improved because of the reading i do. It really helps when i put my on experiences in favor with the facts from the story.
Ø  How has the blog encouraged you to write more thoroughly or has it not? The bolg is just like writing a paper, there is no spell check or anything because it's your on thoughts about things. It's the way you want to talk about things. It makes you more comfortable with yourself on speaking out, instead of someone telling you to write a certain way.
Ø  What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course? Like I was saying before it's your on thoughts about things and no one can tell you it;s wrong, Your own opinion about things also. It's like a personal journaland for the females it can be a dairy just to express your thoughts.
Ø  How is the blog similar to a journal? How is it different from a traditional journal? Its similar to a journal because There's no spell check or anything. It can be in your words and theres nothing you have to do to change it.
Ø  What kind of experience have you had for English 100? Please explain. I have had some great experiences with this clas. It has helped me out alot with  things. On what is a summary, analysis, and qoutes. I alreadfy knew those but how I can use them in different ways. And also where to use these certain things in a paper to make it come out alot better. 
Ø  What would you like to see change with this class including the smaller writing assignments and/or the task papers? I believe The only thing that was a downfall was the labs. There was really no help with it. I really learn all of the techniques in class, Because you know different teachers might want you to write there way, and that' can be a bit confusing. One teacher teaching me how to write is enough for me.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Evaluation for Task 4

  • What is the thesis for your paper? The thesis for my paper is why are we treating education like we do when there was past generations fighting for our rights.

  • List the main points you make in your paper? We have every excuse to not want to go to school, Education is more important than ever now, We have to take things serious because ts not going to be here forever.

  • What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? Work on my punctuation a lot more to have a better paper. 

  • What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? To have a better thesis because that was my biggest problem. 

  • How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? I usually write one then type it and make changes as i go. That usually makes a better paper for me.

  • What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? I would get more help from my peers and go over the paper more this time.
  • What are most pleased with about this paper? That I put a lot of effort in this paper I am really excited to see what are the end results on it so i can learn from whatever mistakes that i have made.