Monday, November 1, 2010

Analysis - "Praise The F Word" - Mary Sherry

I believe that if students are not performing up to what they are suppose to be performing up to, they should get the grade that they are deserved to get. Now teachers are giving students chances and chances to get work turned in. That's not a good way to teach student's resposibility to get things in on time. That's like showing uo for work late if you are always late you will get fired right? So that should be the same thing for students in school if they don't get wrok turned in then they will get an F. Too many of those you will fail the class. I had to see both wyas because at first I was in a non-creadited school having the easy way out with at-risk students. It was not good because students didn't even want show up for school and lost alot of funding for that also. Then when it was time for testing the students couldn't perform even on the basic skills test. And that lost them there creditation and was on the verge of losing the building and being closed. I was so happy that we didn't get homework I thought we was being let off the hook but really it was hurting us and we didn't know it. Then i went to a suburban school where they didn't play around with students not doing there work. They didn't even get you an extra day at times. if it wasn't on time then it wasn't being excepted. I got bad grades for that because I was so use to not doing anything that I couldnt get in the mode for studying or doing homework Then I had to learn time management to get things done.

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