Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Lonely, Good Company of Books - Richard Rodriguez

My relationship with books has been on and off, I would read a book and like it for myself but when it's required that i read them i just shut down and don't read anything anymore. I would only read books that came in a series. I remember last year in my senior year of high school, started back reading again for myself because I saw this seies of books that had to do with the inner city and it was about high school also. It talked about everyday life for these kids as far as bullying, family problems, and falling in love for the first time in high school. I believe what had attracted me to these books was that it reflects my life and everything that i had went through in my earlier years of high school. I believe i would read more if more books had to do with my current life because that realloy attracts me. Once i read that first book i had to keep going back to get the next chapter then the next chapter. I don't dislike reading i just perfer reading material that deals with everyday life. Like some of these stories in this college writing book really stands out to me because it deals wwith current issues, opinions that people make like one of my favorite stories, Botstein when he talks about teen-agers try adulthood. I saw that out of all nof the stories this year the class was very opinionated about that topic. Some was for it oters were not, but that's very interesting that books or stories can make you think even more deeper about things than what its said right there in print. They make you think outside of the box.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arion,

    What was the name of the series that you enjoyed reading (e.g. about the inner city schools)? I would be interested to look at it :) What books draw your attention the most? Do you enjoy books in a series like Harry Potter? Is there another book that you can think of that you have really enjoyed? You describe your relationship with books as "off and no," what do you mean by that? Is your experience similar or different to Rodriguez?

    Ms. C
