Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What story reminds me of education?

The story that i will be talking about is about my past education experiences in high school. I really had a hard time shifing from one school to another. I grew up in an urban community down in Kansas City, MO, it wasn't the best place to live because education wasn't the only thing you had to worry about getting done. At the end of the day we really had alot of family problems which there was having to have somthing to eat for that night. we would somtimes have to miss school because our mother would be sick. And on top of that when we did go to school the educatin was not gooat all. We never had homework or anything, if we was just to show up we would pass the class. All the teachers wanted was for us to be there so they can get the funding that they want. Then my whole life changed so fast. Soon as i moved away from my mothers house i went to go live with my sister. We moved to the northern part of Missouri and had to change schools. We had to move because it had gotten so bad that we didn't have anybody or anything to go to because we lost the house. When it was our first day of school, it was crazy because it was so many students there i was shocked that i couldn't believe that i was here. then when it was class time for class i was so lost by the end of the day. I realized that i didnt know any of this material that they were covering. I felt so far behind in everything, this was going to be a beginning of a long year.

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