Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fredrick Douglas - Qusetions for Reflection and Writing

Fredrick Douglas experience with trying to learn how to read and write were alot worse than what we have to go through now. We should be greatful for what we have now because really if it wasnt for him we would have the things that we have today. Him risking his life and families life just to learn is the best thing that could have happen to any of us. Now and days we have the freedom to learn our material and we just throw it away. People died for our rights and it's like we don't even care about them. We have the privledge to be whatever we want to be and that's a great accomplishment. Just to not only think that he risked his life but he also could have risked the life of the owners wife because she was the one sneeking him around to tecah him how to read and write. So he got him self a little help from a brave white person that knew somthing was wrong but could not do anything about it. but she did what all she could do, and from then on he took it in his own hands to leave and take his people with him. We now have poeple to help us all around and we should take advantage of the situation. We have a great education system compared to him. he only got to learn from just a random person that could only teach him what she knew.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arion,

    The point that you make about literacy is very important. Because of the context that Douglass was in, different from ours, may speak volumes as to what we cherish. We read for different purposes even if we did not learn how to read and write in the same context that Douglass did, that does not mean that others have had a contrasting experience. What I would like to know from you though is what was the purpose behind his yearning to be literate. How does this differ in your case?

    Ms. C
