Monday, September 27, 2010

5 questions that I would ask my subject

1.)What was your best experience about high school?
I would ask this question because i want to start off with highschool knowledge first.

2.) explain how did you make it through high school dispite all of the obsticles from both school and home you had to go through?
I would ask this because this is where i would know what psuhed her to get through things even at her worst of times.

3.) Was there any outside motivation that you would like to share that helped you along the way?
Motivation is a big part of a person being succesful, we all have some kind of motivation in us.

4.)What made you choose college even though it was hard for you to pass high school and why?
I want to know why did she want to continue her education.

5.) How has your life been since you took that road of extending your education?
It's important to know how did it turn out for people after having degrees under there belt

Casa: A Partial Rememberance of a Puerto Rican Childhood - Judith Ortiz Cofer

A cautionary tale that i heard in my family was between my sisters. How they talk about feminine things and how there bodies work differently than males bodies. They must of thought that i was sleep in my room because I was young and they didn’t want me to hear about what are the certain names of the parts that were on a females body. That night I was listening outside there door about how they get periods. I didn’t know what that meant until I kept ease dropping and when I started to hear bleeding and they have to stick this thing called a tampon inside of it to stop the excessive bleeding, I almost puked because i was young and I couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing. I covered my mouth trying not to make a sound because it was so nasty. That wasn't even the crazy part because afterwards they started to talk about having sex and who will be the first one out of them both to have the first child. I learned a lot that night by just ease dropping on conversations said by my sisters. It was bad because I wasn't supposed to know that kind of stuff until the time was right.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Maya Angelou - Sister Flowers

A memorable childhood experience for me was when i was in school. I was very angery at alot of things in my life, and i took it out on people at school. I was bad and didn't feel like i had to listen to anybody. At times it would get so bad that if someone would aggervate me by just touchingmy things it would tick me off to the point that i would go off and storm around and knock everything over. I would have the class very scared at times and didn't care about it. They would call my parents and i would get into trouble but i would just go back and do the same thing. They would also send me out of school for sometime and that wouldn't work.

One day it got the point that i went so far that, i had hurt myself in the action. I don't know what happen to me but that must have rung a bell in my head because from then on i started to think about how things would affect my life .

Monday, September 20, 2010

Interests on task 2

Ø  Why are you interested in these subjects? im interested in writing about my how school has been a struggle for them and how they over came the obstucles. 

Ø  What makes him/her interesting and unique? Writng about my sister is unique because i was there all of the times when i knew she was struggling but she didn't kno that i knew about it since i was so younger than her. I also knew about the times when she accomplished things and she was happy for all of the hard work that has paid off.

Ø  What sort of questions would you ask and why?  I would just ask how did youy overcome those times that you were stuck and felt like u didnt have nobody?, and also questions like how does it feel to be succesful after you thought you wouldnt have made it?
Ø  What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two? I hope nothing goes wrong but one thing i was looking at was the way you want it worded when it's in the speakers words

Ø  What do you anticipate? Why?  I anticipate this to be very interesting because for once its not about you, you get to sit and listen about other peoples views on things.

Ø  What questions do you have for Task Two? I have no questions just want to see how it goes, thanks.

Friday, September 17, 2010


What is the thesis for your paper? My theis is about my mother and how her action/ decisions afected my family and I. My Mother was never the best decision maker that my sisters and I had ever seen.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? The most helpful thing that I got feed back from my peers was the punctuation and my grammer, but I always had big problems with that as i am learning now. That was one of the biggest things i had my teacher look for when it was evaluated.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? The most helpful information again was my punctuation and grammer but another that I remember was more detail. If i put more detail in this paper it would be a lot better.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? One Thing about me is when I have an assignment that requires for me type a paper, I write down on hand first. I think a lot better when i am in my room in the quiet thinking things through. Like if its two page requirement then I write four pages because it evens out things.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? To make this paper more effective is just follow what ny peers and instructor has asked me to do in my feed backs because they will know better than you when they are on the outside looking in.

What are most pleased with about this paper? The way that I can express my feelings towards my past and how i feel about them now that i am older and thought more about situations and why the way they happen. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"On becoming a Chicano" Richard Rodriguez

I am an African American and I have not experienced the worse of what my race has went through but I’ve seen it and just sit back and think why. All of this things were unnecessary and could have been a different way for the way we were treated and also for the other how they could have chose a different way then what was presented at the time. Most of my own kind doesn’t even know how bad our ancestors had to go through to just to make good things happen for our race. They know that they were not going to get the opportunities to do things because years and years went past and it wasn't happening for them. They all could have given up but that still died for these rights and we as blacks are throwing them away. My race identity is exactly what people think of us now because what we are nowhere close to what we should be known for and that's grateful for everything that's here for us.

The only experiences that I have been through are how people still fear us because of the actions we bring upon ourselves. No one really sees what happens, and witnesses the real things, why we are like this but they assume because of television and other races do not know what to expect when they are faces with the reality of us. Other races don't want to take that chance of letting their guards down and the possibility of getting ran over.

Our lives are similar because just as blacks were fighting for their rights, the Hispanics were fights for their lives hoping that other countries will not take over theirs. I also understand that we are both minorities in this world and will always be because our races were not started here. Blacks are slightly larger than the Hispanics here because we were here first and they came here for better opportunities

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"How It Feels to Be Colored Me" Zora Neale Hurston

 I label myself as an American that was born in the United States of America. I don't believe in racism, there is no reason for being racist. We are all one as every human being should think. I understand that we all have different races but I don't believe people should be down graded from where they come from, or from the flip side the rich races should not be upgraded and treated with royalty. I also want to label myself as equal, fair to be treated fair just like the person beside me.

I look at myself as a person that is finally getting the opportunity that our race has fought for. I still walk around and be reminded of my race because of other races how I am out and people hold on to there spouses or their belongings because people are so stereotypical about African Americans and thinking that we are all the same. I can not so much as blame them because we are to blame to for our actions. It's not right for people to judge us but most others don't know but what they see on TV and a lot of people are scared and are being safe because no one wants to take any chances. there are some situations when we treated and talked to like we are still children because most don't think we have the ability to learn quickly, and that also upsets all of us because we are not even given a chance before we are degraded.

There is not much to compare because I do agree with everything not being the same. A lot has gotten better as far as equality is concerned, like she was giving performances to the whites and they would throw silver at her like she wasn't nothing but she didn't understand because she was younger and she didn't understand what was going on. Now and days people just look at you funny and do not give you the respect you deserve. I know everything is not perfect now but it's getting better and it will continue to get better, and I acknowledge the things that Zora Neale Hurston had to go just to make it easier for people like me to make in this world and be treated fairly

Monday, September 6, 2010

"Rite of Passage" Anthony Brandt (p.124)

1.) What do you remember of your own grandparent or another elderly person of importance to your family?
      My memory of my grandparents was when my father stayed with them and my sister and I use to come over to spend the weekend there with my other cousins. I loved the way they always argued all the time over simple things, but the best part was when they use to give us dollars a piece and wait around for the ice cream truck to drive around the block and my grandpa would whistle really loud to stop the ice cream man. They would tell us to put them in the freezer until we eat dinner. We would rush to eat our food to get our ice cream and my grandma would always offer us to eat more then she would convince us to eat more so we always fell in the trap and ended up eating more than we wanted. I really love my grandparents because i believe thy are the best thing that could happen to our family that we can remember.

     We as our age of kids, we really thought that our grandparents were the starters of the family and they were the ones that created the people that are around us now. Now that I think about it, we can really say that, because when they were born they didnt have to continue this family tree as we call it but they did and I really thank them for being them, and choices they made to bringing me my father or on the other side bringing me my mother. I believe everyone should acknowledge tthe greatness they have done for us because without them there would be no us, and I greatly appreciate that.

    As I got older I lost touch with them my father side of the family because I really wasn't on good terms with my dad. I still think about them everyday, because I know they not gone be around for long and I would love to be back close with them before that time comes because we all know it will just don't know the time but not just for grandparents, i would want that anybody to reconnect with the one that they love, not just about lost contact but for whoever you had a big misunderstanding with. I can really careless about what people argue, its not worth losing your loved ones over.  


Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Ideas about Task One

I think I am going to write about my experience, when  my family and I had our first apartment and we didnt have much but we still made it through some of the toughest times. I want to write about this significant place because this place has defined my entire life and the way I am now. In this story I will be talkin about how my childhood wasn"t easy but I still manged to make it, because there was certain times that I did want to give up and just fall into the wrong crowd and also much worse that has been done and what could have been done. Certain problems I think may arise for my task one is my rambling on about things that will happen in the story, but other than me getting off subject by not focusing on supporting my thesis I should be ok with the paper. . I anticipate that I will do my best and the problem that I have told u about will be gone when I learn to find somthing that can keep me occupied. I know this because I want to see a great outcome for the work that I put into this assignment, and plus talking about my experiences can be interesting to just have all the past come back to me my memory. I really do have a big problem with not focusing on my assignment because I do get easily distracted and maybe not this task, but Im pretty sure one of my other  tasks I will end up using my extention, I really want to work on that, but I just wanted to be honest up front that I do have that problem. I have no question about task one but just to have fun and enjoy the rememberance of my past.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Intorduction to me

Hello my name is arion Duncan, I am 19 years old. I was born and raised in Kansas City, MO. I went to Woodland Elementary school, follwed by Urban Community Leadership Academy (UCLA) charter/middle school. My high school years were divided by two different schools because of me having to move in between times. I first went to Northeast high schoolmy freshman and sophmore year. By my junior year i had to move to North Kansas City which is also known as the Northland of Missouri. My final two years of high school i attended Parkhill high school. That was the roughest time I ever had to go through beacuse transitioning from a non-creditation school to one of the best public schools in the state of Missouritook a big toll on me. High school was the hardest years because i felt like I couldn't fit in. I didnt know any of the requirements that i was suppose to hav learned by my junior to move on and be caught up. The main reason why I thought it was so hardbecause I had to go back and learn what I missed freshman and sophmore year and still try to learn what was in my junior classes at the same time. I toughed it all out, I mean there was those times when I felt like giving up but i stuck it through and going into my senior year it was time for me to wrap up and to see what i was going to after school, and still trying to finish up what was left for me to do in my final months of highschool. At the end i walkedthe stage and before my eyes I sawthat all of my hard work has paid off. Now I bet you wondering how did I get here to Missouri Westrern State University. Well I was lucky enough to have both my older sisters Ebony and Ivory to go here and graduate. They are doin well for themselves and all I want to do is follow in there footsteps and see where my college life will take me.