Friday, September 17, 2010


What is the thesis for your paper? My theis is about my mother and how her action/ decisions afected my family and I. My Mother was never the best decision maker that my sisters and I had ever seen.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation? The most helpful thing that I got feed back from my peers was the punctuation and my grammer, but I always had big problems with that as i am learning now. That was one of the biggest things i had my teacher look for when it was evaluated.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper? The most helpful information again was my punctuation and grammer but another that I remember was more detail. If i put more detail in this paper it would be a lot better.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting? One Thing about me is when I have an assignment that requires for me type a paper, I write down on hand first. I think a lot better when i am in my room in the quiet thinking things through. Like if its two page requirement then I write four pages because it evens out things.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on? To make this paper more effective is just follow what ny peers and instructor has asked me to do in my feed backs because they will know better than you when they are on the outside looking in.

What are most pleased with about this paper? The way that I can express my feelings towards my past and how i feel about them now that i am older and thought more about situations and why the way they happen. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arion,

    Grammar/punctuation is something that you will catch as you continue to revise each draft. What helps for me is when I read my draft aloud. Read it exactly how it is preserved on the page. You then will be able to catch such errors.

    Ms. C
