Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"How It Feels to Be Colored Me" Zora Neale Hurston

 I label myself as an American that was born in the United States of America. I don't believe in racism, there is no reason for being racist. We are all one as every human being should think. I understand that we all have different races but I don't believe people should be down graded from where they come from, or from the flip side the rich races should not be upgraded and treated with royalty. I also want to label myself as equal, fair to be treated fair just like the person beside me.

I look at myself as a person that is finally getting the opportunity that our race has fought for. I still walk around and be reminded of my race because of other races how I am out and people hold on to there spouses or their belongings because people are so stereotypical about African Americans and thinking that we are all the same. I can not so much as blame them because we are to blame to for our actions. It's not right for people to judge us but most others don't know but what they see on TV and a lot of people are scared and are being safe because no one wants to take any chances. there are some situations when we treated and talked to like we are still children because most don't think we have the ability to learn quickly, and that also upsets all of us because we are not even given a chance before we are degraded.

There is not much to compare because I do agree with everything not being the same. A lot has gotten better as far as equality is concerned, like she was giving performances to the whites and they would throw silver at her like she wasn't nothing but she didn't understand because she was younger and she didn't understand what was going on. Now and days people just look at you funny and do not give you the respect you deserve. I know everything is not perfect now but it's getting better and it will continue to get better, and I acknowledge the things that Zora Neale Hurston had to go just to make it easier for people like me to make in this world and be treated fairly

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arion,

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I enjoyed how you discussed your experiences as an African American male. Luckily this community has come along way because of the advancement of persons like Malcolm X and MLK and the Black Panther Party. Malcolm X is often viewed as a hostile person, which is upsetting to me because his point was that if the white community (e.g. although not everyone, but a significant number at the time) was going to treat the African American community like dogs, then they would react as they rightfully should. Unfortunately, Malcolm X is often misrepresented in history especially in small rural schools where I attended. He was an amazing man.

    Ms. C
