Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Analysis - Kozol

It wasn't good for him to have to see such inequality between races because it should be that we should be all equal and recieve the same education. I would not like that I would have to teach in a school that can;t even have there own space. Multple fourth grade classes combined that makes it very hard for alot of people to focus on trying to get work done. Then it makes it even worse that the books are not even uop to date becuase they won't supply the african american school disricts with with the same oppurtunity as the whites. I guess somtimes when the books are out dated that has already been torn up and used by the whites they would give us a chance but that right there automatically puts us behind because we have to wait just to have the things. It's really not fair that blacks get treated so poorly. We just want the same education and live the lives as a regular american. When it was hatred on both sides of the race there was nothing that could be done. When Kozol said he had caught a cab to the black ommunity so he can get the school to teach, they would let him out 12 blocks before his destination and made him walk the rest of the way because it was that dangerous. It was dangerous for him to even walk also because soon ass he entered the neighborhood some one had told him to get in the car because it was not safe for him to walk those streets. When the Brown vs. Board of education came it waws suppose to unite the races together but i quote " 95-99% of the schools population was non white". So when whites figured that desegregation was happening the left the schools they were at and not even try to resolve situations.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why Did You Decide To Come To College?

I decided to come to college because I see in this time of the United States is in a bad postion. We need more education than ever because now jobs are not looking good and the only jobs that are doin any hiring, they are only excepting the best of the best. Without education I don't beileve I will get anywhere so I'm doing this because of th epositon that we are in as Americans. It use to be times that only having a High School Diploma can get you a good paying job and people would go to college because they wanted to. Then it started to be that you had to go get your Bachelors degree in whatever field that you desired. That would help you out a whole. Now a Bachelors degree can't even guarantee you a good job. I have to prove myself with enough education background that I can go out and compete out in the real world for a job. I want to also better myself for having the knowledge to do things an give myself a shot at life. I want to take my career up to the highest level because I don't want to think when i die that I could have done something more with my life. Iwant to be able to say that I have accomplished all that I wanted to do. My plan is to Graduate with a markting degree in business because I know that will be somthing there forever. Most jobs are fading away because technology is taking away from there because or what a person can do for that job they done found away to use a robot or a computer to do it now. I picked marketing because being in the stock market will aloow me to help with people who wants best for there what thinks can make them the most money. I also want to be in Advertising because Alot of businesses are going to want to get there product or there business out there to the people so they can see it and hopefully come in and stop by. Thats when i help people do that to get there businesses off of the ground. This is the reason why i'm here because all of those dreams i want starts with education.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood - Leon Botsein

Botstein is basically writing for the tennagers that is spending there 17 and 18 years of age in high school still. He believes that they should shorten the time for students should be in school  because he say that it's a waist of there living time basically and waisting there time that they can be out in the real world trying to make somthing of there self or possibly go to college to graduate early so they can get started on there careers. Ibelieve that time should more leangthen because even the time that we getting to learn as much as we can we still don't get alot when we do graduate at 17 or 18. We should be kept atleast for another year making high school five years instead of four.Because it's becoming more and more worst for colleges because they getting more students that can not achieve up to the standards of what is expected of them. Then they end up spending more years in college and having to spend more money because they don't have the credits to graduate. He structure his audience by saying let them take a shot at adulthood at an earlier stage of life. He wants to see more people get out to be able to do what they want before other things come into there life and hits them right at the time when they gradaute at 17 or 18. I don't beileve the appeal is effective because you are shortening the time even more for our students to be able to learn. It's already a debate about we should lengthen school years because the lack of education that we are recieving. We as the United States use to be first in the category of education but now we are so far behind. And it doesn't even make any since because we have more education resources to help you in every way. We should be able to achieve above standards and not shorten it even more than it already is.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Where College Fails Us - Caroline Bird

So far my experiences in college has been easy to me. Its a matter of setting your own schedule and going by it. I believe people will be successful in college if they just go by there own schedule. I also have experienced first living away fro home for the first time and I was at first nervous about it but its time to grow up and be your own person now. We are about to be grown adults and we need to start making our on decisions thats going to affect our life either in a good way or not. I am experiencing that no one is going to be holding your hand anymore. You are going to have to fend for yourself for everything in college. No one is going to give you second chamces or anything. If  you decide to miss class or do amything illegal on or off campus and you are known to be the college student there will be consequences for your actions. You know if you would mess up at home you probably would get your material things tooken away maybe car or phone but here you are condiered as an adult an you will punished as one also. People have already been taken to jail for reason that could have been avoided

I went to college because I know that there is better oppurtunites out there if you have a degree up under5 your belt. Jobs are being lost by the second and they are getting tooken away from people who does not have any educational background outside of high school. I want to become one of those people that can take there career to the top no matter how bad of a time it is in America. Because with the education that would be my ticket to keep me in the system that can never take away. So even if I do lose one job I can always find another. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Self Evauation Task 2

1. what is the thesis for the paper? My thesis is how my sister Ebony had to play multiple roles in her life that made things difficult for her in her education life.

2.what was the most helpful advice you recieved fro your peer evaluation? Mostly both of my peers told me check on my grammer mostly and for me go more in detail about things that she has went through.

3.what was the most helpful information you recieved in class for your paper? again for me to go more into detail about things but i should also talk more about what has education done for her now.

4. How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote? and when did you write them? I believe i wrote about three drafts because i always write a hand copy first just to put down my ideas. Then when i go to the computer i change up a little. I then get my paper edited and fix it up to turn in my final draft.

5.what would you differently with this paper to make it more effectively? i will work my mistakes that i have made in task one so that paper can come out more better.

6.What are you most pleased with about this paper? I like how i put more time and effort into this one so hopefully i can get a better grade.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Interview Process

What questions still remain? i still have to ask how is life going for her now because its good to have the education and pass school but is it benefiting to you now.

How did it go? It went well because i got details from when she started back in high school then went on to college to try to pursue her career.

Where did you conduct it? I conduct my interview over the phone because she is in another city

What did you learn? I learnede alot, even though she is my sister and i saw alot of what she had to go through there was alot more that i did not know about.

How do you intend to transition to the writng process? I will just gather the information that i do have and write it out and use her quotes, and meet all of the requirements for the paper.

What concerns do you have? at first i had a problem with the way i was suppose to write the paper if it was suppose to be me talking in my words or talk about her like a biography

How do you expect to overcome them? it's good now because i"ve already spoken to the teacher about it now im just ready to right it out.

Becoming Educated - Barbara Charline Jordan

Education is knowledge its an act that is required for you to be succesful in life. Education means everythin to me because there has been alot of changes in this world maimly because of technology. Back then education was important, but did not need as much as you do now. You could get top jobs around the U.S with just a high school diploma. Alot of other jobs didn't even require that you need it and you could live above water. So much has changed in this world, education is needed believe it or not. Without education theres no way you could live unless you are the very few that makes an invention or somthing like that, But thats a different story. I started to see that a high school diploma was not enough, you had to go to college to be able to get the better jobs that you desired.
Now, days are becoming more and more harder for alot of people. College is starting to not be enough for us. We are in a reccesion so people with college degrees are starting to have to step down because of there jobs that has to cut back. So it's crazy how we are starting to see upper class people work for QT, McDonalds etc. Then those that only have a high school diploma have to step down to lower jobs and then students in highschool that don't have anything they get left out in this world and never have any job experience because of the world that we are in now.