Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Analysis - Kozol

It wasn't good for him to have to see such inequality between races because it should be that we should be all equal and recieve the same education. I would not like that I would have to teach in a school that can;t even have there own space. Multple fourth grade classes combined that makes it very hard for alot of people to focus on trying to get work done. Then it makes it even worse that the books are not even uop to date becuase they won't supply the african american school disricts with with the same oppurtunity as the whites. I guess somtimes when the books are out dated that has already been torn up and used by the whites they would give us a chance but that right there automatically puts us behind because we have to wait just to have the things. It's really not fair that blacks get treated so poorly. We just want the same education and live the lives as a regular american. When it was hatred on both sides of the race there was nothing that could be done. When Kozol said he had caught a cab to the black ommunity so he can get the school to teach, they would let him out 12 blocks before his destination and made him walk the rest of the way because it was that dangerous. It was dangerous for him to even walk also because soon ass he entered the neighborhood some one had told him to get in the car because it was not safe for him to walk those streets. When the Brown vs. Board of education came it waws suppose to unite the races together but i quote " 95-99% of the schools population was non white". So when whites figured that desegregation was happening the left the schools they were at and not even try to resolve situations.

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