Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood - Leon Botsein

Botstein is basically writing for the tennagers that is spending there 17 and 18 years of age in high school still. He believes that they should shorten the time for students should be in school  because he say that it's a waist of there living time basically and waisting there time that they can be out in the real world trying to make somthing of there self or possibly go to college to graduate early so they can get started on there careers. Ibelieve that time should more leangthen because even the time that we getting to learn as much as we can we still don't get alot when we do graduate at 17 or 18. We should be kept atleast for another year making high school five years instead of four.Because it's becoming more and more worst for colleges because they getting more students that can not achieve up to the standards of what is expected of them. Then they end up spending more years in college and having to spend more money because they don't have the credits to graduate. He structure his audience by saying let them take a shot at adulthood at an earlier stage of life. He wants to see more people get out to be able to do what they want before other things come into there life and hits them right at the time when they gradaute at 17 or 18. I don't beileve the appeal is effective because you are shortening the time even more for our students to be able to learn. It's already a debate about we should lengthen school years because the lack of education that we are recieving. We as the United States use to be first in the category of education but now we are so far behind. And it doesn't even make any since because we have more education resources to help you in every way. We should be able to achieve above standards and not shorten it even more than it already is.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arion,

    I like that you have chosen to analyze! Kudos :) This is the kind of response that I would like to see follow for your next entries. It is important to begin to recognize the shift between the personal writing you did at the beginning of the semester to academic writing. I would still like to see personal narration; however, I would like for it to be analyzed in relation to a reading like you do with Botstein. For example, if we were to further this response, you might ask yourself:

    1) Based on my HS experiences, why should we extend the number of years we attend HS?
    2) Because of the current state of HS, what am I not learning that I would learn in five years?

    I hope this helps!

    Ms. C
