Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why Did You Decide To Come To College?

I decided to come to college because I see in this time of the United States is in a bad postion. We need more education than ever because now jobs are not looking good and the only jobs that are doin any hiring, they are only excepting the best of the best. Without education I don't beileve I will get anywhere so I'm doing this because of th epositon that we are in as Americans. It use to be times that only having a High School Diploma can get you a good paying job and people would go to college because they wanted to. Then it started to be that you had to go get your Bachelors degree in whatever field that you desired. That would help you out a whole. Now a Bachelors degree can't even guarantee you a good job. I have to prove myself with enough education background that I can go out and compete out in the real world for a job. I want to also better myself for having the knowledge to do things an give myself a shot at life. I want to take my career up to the highest level because I don't want to think when i die that I could have done something more with my life. Iwant to be able to say that I have accomplished all that I wanted to do. My plan is to Graduate with a markting degree in business because I know that will be somthing there forever. Most jobs are fading away because technology is taking away from there because or what a person can do for that job they done found away to use a robot or a computer to do it now. I picked marketing because being in the stock market will aloow me to help with people who wants best for there what thinks can make them the most money. I also want to be in Advertising because Alot of businesses are going to want to get there product or there business out there to the people so they can see it and hopefully come in and stop by. Thats when i help people do that to get there businesses off of the ground. This is the reason why i'm here because all of those dreams i want starts with education.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arion,

    Is this a conversation you would like to continue for Task Three? If so, think about the different kinds of essays you could use for Task Three in relation to your focus.

    Ms. C
