Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Becoming Educated - Barbara Charline Jordan

Education is knowledge its an act that is required for you to be succesful in life. Education means everythin to me because there has been alot of changes in this world maimly because of technology. Back then education was important, but did not need as much as you do now. You could get top jobs around the U.S with just a high school diploma. Alot of other jobs didn't even require that you need it and you could live above water. So much has changed in this world, education is needed believe it or not. Without education theres no way you could live unless you are the very few that makes an invention or somthing like that, But thats a different story. I started to see that a high school diploma was not enough, you had to go to college to be able to get the better jobs that you desired.
Now, days are becoming more and more harder for alot of people. College is starting to not be enough for us. We are in a reccesion so people with college degrees are starting to have to step down because of there jobs that has to cut back. So it's crazy how we are starting to see upper class people work for QT, McDonalds etc. Then those that only have a high school diploma have to step down to lower jobs and then students in highschool that don't have anything they get left out in this world and never have any job experience because of the world that we are in now.

1 comment:

  1. HI Arion,

    You tell us that you once thought that a HS diploma is not enough. Is this a new thought? When you were younger, what did you want to do with your life? Did it involve higher education?

    It is interesting that 50 years ago, a HS diploma was enough to live off of and/or support a family, but now, it may support one single person. I'm not certain how someone could make a living off of only minimum wage.

    Ms. C
